
Talebpour M., E. Bou-Zeid, C. Welty, D. Li, B. Zaitchik. Sensitivity of fine-scale resolution urban heat island modeling to soil moisture parameterization.  Submitted to International Journal of Climatology 12/27/2023.

Batista-Andrade, J. A., C. Welty, D. Iglesias Vega, A. McClain, and L. Blaney. Geospatial variability of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in urban watersheds: relationships with land cover and wastewater infrastructure.  Submitted to Environmental Science and Technology.  Submitted 9/24/2023; Revised versions submitted 12/21/2023, 3/18/2024.

Welty. C., J. Moore, D. Bain, J. T. Kemper, P. M. Groffman, and J.M. Duncan. 2023. Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Stability of Baseflow Stream Chemistry in an Urban Watershed.  Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1029/2021WR031804.

Feagan, M., T. A Muñoz-Erickson, R. Hobbins, K. Baja, M. Chester, E. Cook, N. Grimm, M. Grove, D. Iwaniec, S. Iyer, T. McPhearson; P. Méndez-Lázaro; C. Miller, D. Sauter, W. Soleki, C. Tomateo, T. Troxler, C. Welty. Co-producing smart-city knowledge systems for resilient and just coastal cities: A people-centered approach. Submitted to Cities, 11/17/22. Non peer-reviewed pre-print posted 12/3/22 at

Mustafa , A., L. Ortiz, P. Herreros-Cantis, E. M. Cook, D. M. Iwaniec , M. Matsler, B. Rosenzweig, P.M. Groffman, M. Grove, C. Welty, N. B. Grimm, M. BerbésBlázquez, A. Phillips, T. A. Muñoz-Erickson, K. Baja, and T. McPhearson. Modeling resilient climate futures: How do future land-use outcomes produced by  diverse stakeholder visions affect exposure to multi-hazard weather extremes?  Submitted to Earth’s Future, 7/13/22.

Seck, Alimatou and C. Welty. 2022. Quantifying groundwater storage dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed using a large scale integrated hydrologic model with detailed three-dimensional subsurface representation. Hydrogeology Journal.

Aljafari, J. H. M., S. Sharvelle, N E. Brinkman, M. A. Jahne, S. P. Keely, E. A. Wheaton, J. Garland, C. Welty; M. C. Sukop, T. Meixner. 2022. Characterization of Roof Runoff Microbial Quality in Four U.S. Cities with Varying Climate and Land Use Characteristics. Water Research,

Zahn, E., C. Welty, J.A. Smith, S. J. Kemp, M.-L. Baeck, and E. Bou-Zeid. 2021. The Hydrological Urban Heat Island: Determinants of Acute and Chronic Heat Stress in Urban Streams, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, https://

Talebpour M., C. Welty, E.  Bou-Zeid. 2021. Development and testing of a fully-coupled subsurface-land surface-atmosphere model: high-resolution application in urban terrains”. Urban Climate,

Miller, A.J., C. Welty, J.M. Duncan, M.L Baeck and J. A. Smith. 2021. Assessing urban rainfall-runoff response to stormwater management extent. Hydrological Processes,

Chang, H., A. Pallathadka, J. Sauer, N. Grimm, R. Zimmerman, C. Cheng, D.M. Iwaniec, Y. Kim, R. Lloyd, T. McPhearson, B. Rosenzweig, T. Troxler, C. Welty, R. Brenner, and P. Herreros. 2021. Assessment of urban flood vulnerability using the social-ecological-technological systems framework in six US cities. Sustainable Cities and Society

Rosenzweig, B. R., Herreros Cantis, P., Kim, Y., Cohn, A., Grove, K., Brock, J., et al. , Mistry,C. Welty,T. McPhearson,J. Sauer,H. Chang, 2021. The value of urban flood modeling. Earth’s Future, 9, e2020EF001739.

Gellis, A., C. Fuller, P. Van Metre, B. Mahler, C. Welty, AJ Miller, L. Nibert, Z. Clifton, J. Malena, and J. T. Kemper. 2020. Delivery of sediment and fallout radionuclides in the urban environment. Journal of Hydrology.

National Research Council. 2019. Framing the Challenge of Urban Flooding in the United States. National Academy Press.  (Contributor)

Barnes, M.L. and C. Welty. 2019. Quantifying water balance components at a permeable pavement site using a coupled groundwater-surface water model. ASCE J of Hydrologic Engineering,

Kemper, J.T., A.J. Miller, and C. Welty.  Spatial and temporal patterns of suspended sediment transport in nested urban watersheds.  Geomorphology,

Lim, T. C. and C. Welty. 2018. Assessing variability and uncertainty in green infrastructure planning using a high-resolution surface-subsurface hydrological model and site-monitored flow data. Frontiers of the Built Environment,

Rosenzweig, B.R., McPhillips, R., Chang, H., Cheng C., Welty, C., Matsler, M., Iwaniec, D., Davidson, C.I. Urban pluvial flood risk and opportunities for resilience. WIREs Water.

Barnes, M.L., C. Welty, and A.J. Miller. 2018. Impacts of development pattern on urban groundwater flow regime.  Water Resources Research, 10.1029/2017WR022146.

Lim, T. and C. Welty. 2017. Effects of spatial configuration of imperviousness and green infrastructure networks on hydrologic response in a residential sewershed. Water Resources Research, 10.1002/2017WR020631.

Duncan, J.M., C. Welty, J. T. Kemper, P. M. Groffman, and L.E. Band. 2017. Dynamics of nitrate concentration-discharge patterns in an urban watershed. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020500.

Smith, R.M., S S. Kaushal, J. J. Beaulieu, M. J. Pennino, and C Welty.  2017. Influence of infrastructure on water quality and greenhouse gas dynamics in urban streams. Biogeosciences 14 (2831–2849), doi:10.5194/bg-14-2831-2017.

Cole, J.N., A.J. Miller, E. Stapleton, and C. Welty. 2017. Quantifying spatial patterns of channel geometry and  stream incision in an urban drainage network, ASCE J. of Hydrologic Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.19435584.0001459.

Cui, Z., C. Welty, A.J. Gold. P. Groffman, S. Kaushal, A.J. Miller. 2016.  Use of a three-dimensional reactive solute transport model for evaluation of bioreactor placement in channel restoration. J.  Env Quality, 45(3), DOI: 10.2134/jeq2015.06.0330.

Bhaskar, A.S., C. Jantz, C. Welty, S. Drzyzga, and AJ Miller. 2016. Coupling of the water cycle with patterns of urban growth in the Baltimore Metropolitan Region, USA. J of the American Water Resources Association. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12479

National Research Council, 2016. Using Graywater and Stormwater to Enhance Local Water Supplies: An Assessment of Risks, Costs, and Benefits. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.  (Contributor)

Barnes, M.L., C. Welty, and A. J. Miller. 2015. Global topographic slope enforcement to ensure connectivity and drainage in an urban terrain. ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/14 (ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001306

Seck, A., C. Welty, and R.M. Maxwell.  2015. Spin-up behavior and effects of initial conditions for an integrated hydrologic model. Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016371

Bhaskar, A.. and C. Welty.  2015. Analysis of subsurface storage and streamflow generation in urban watersheds. Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR015607.

Bhaskar, A.S., C. Welty, R. M. Maxwell, A. J. Miller. 2015. Untangling the effects of urban development on subsurface storage in Baltimore. Water Resources Research, 50, doi:10.1002/2014WR016039.

Cui, Z., C. Welty and R. M. Maxwell.  2014.  Modeling Nitrogen Transport and Transformation in Aquifers Using a Particle-Tracking Approach.  Computers and Geosciences, 70:1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.05.005.

Kaushal, SS., Paul M. Mayer, Philippe G. Vidon, Rose M. Smith, Michael J. Pennino, Shuiwang Duan, Tamara A. Newcomer, Claire Welty, and Kenneth T. Belt.  2014. Land use and climate variability amplify carbon, nutrient, and contaminant pulses: A review with management implications. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 50(3): 585-614. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12204.

Ramamurthy, P., E. Bou-Zeid, E., J. A. Smith, Z. Wang, M L. Baeck, N. Z. Saliendra, J. L. Hom and C. Welty. 2014. Influence of Sub-Facet Heterogeneity and Material Properties on the Urban Surface Energy Budget. J. of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 53: 2114-2128, DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-0286.1

Bradford, S. A., V. L. Morales, W. Zhang, R. W. Harvey, A. I. Packman, A. Mohanram, and C. Welty. 2013. Transport and Fate of Microbial Pathogens in Agricultural Settings. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology DOI:10.1080/10643389.2012.710449.

Miller, J., C. Welty, M. McGuire, J. Cole, and R. Sanderson. 2012. Rain Gage Installation, Telemetry, Maintenance, and Data QA/QC in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER. CUERE Technical Report 2012/001.  UMBC, Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education, Baltimore, MD.

Bhaskar, A. S. and C. Welty.  2012.  Water Balances along an Urban-Rural Gradient of Metropolitan Baltimore, 2001-2009. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 18(1), doi:10.2113/gseegeosci.18.1.37, 18(1): 37-50.

Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, C. Welty, A.J. Miller, and W.F. Krajewski. 2012. Analyses of a long-term high-resolution radar rainfall data set for the Baltimore metropolitan region, Water Resources Research, 48, W04504, doi:10.1029/2011WR010641.

National Research Council, Committee on Challenges and Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences. 2012. Challenges and Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences. National Research Council, National Academy Press.  (Contributor)

VerHoef, J., C. Welty, J. Miller, M. Grese, M. P. McGuire, R. Sanderson, S. Kaushal, and A.J. Miller.  2011. Preliminary Assessment of Real-Time Sensor Deployment in Baltimore Urban Watersheds.  CUERE Technical Report 2011/001. UMBC, Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education, Baltimore, MD.

Runyan, C. and C. Welty.  2010.  Use of the White Method to Estimate Evapotranspiration along an Urban Riparian Corridor.  UMBC/CUERE Technical Report 2010/001. University of Maryland Baltimore County, Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education,  Baltimore, MD.

Sivirichi, G.M., Kaushal, S.S., Mayer, P.M., Welty, C., Belt, K.T., Newcomer, T.A., Newcomb, K.D., and Grese, M.M. 2011. Longitudinal variability in streamwater chemistry and carbon and nitrogen fluxes in restored and degraded urban stream networks. Journal of Environmental Management 13:288–303.

Ryan, R.J., P.C. Larson, and C. Welty. 2010. The Logistics and Mechanics of Conducting Tracer Injection Experiments in Urban Streams. Urban Ecosystems, DOI 10.1007/s11252-010-0144-5.

Ryan, R.J., C. Welty, and P.C. Larson.  2010. Variation in Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange in an Urban Stream. Journal of Hydrology, 392 (2010) 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.06.004

Kaushal, S., M. Pace, P. Groffman, L. Band, K. Belt, P. Mayer, C. Welty.  2010. Land Use and Climate Variability Amplify Contaminant Pulses.   EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 91(25):221-222, 22 June 2010.

Fraley, L., AJ Miller and C. Welty. 2009. Contribution of In-Channel Processes to Sediment Yield of an Urbanizing Watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 45(3):748-766. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00320.x

Welty, C. 2009. The urban water budget. Chapter 2 in The Water Environment of Cities, pp 17-28, L. Baker, Editor, Springer-Verlag.  DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-84891-4

National Research Council, Committee on Reducing Stormwater Contributions to Water Pollution. 2008. Urban Stormwater Management in the United States. National Academy Press, Washington, DC (Committee Chair and Contributor).

Fraley, L. M., A. J. Miller, and C. Welty.  2007.  Characterization of Sediment Storage and Remobilization in Valley Creek, Valley Forge National Historical Park.  Technical Report NPS/NER/NRTR—2007/095.  National Park Service.  Philadelphia, PA, 252 pp.

Maxwell, R.M., C. Welty, and R.W. Harvey. 2007. Revisiting the Cape Cod Bacteria Injection Experiment Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 5548-5558.

Welty, C., A  J. Miller, K. T. Belt, J. A. Smith, L. E. Band, P. M. Groffman, T. M. Scanlon, J. Warner, R. J. Ryan, R. J. Shedlock, and M. P. McGuire. 2007. Design of an Environmental Field Observatory for Quantifying the Urban Water Budget, in Cities of the Future: Towards Integrated Sustainable Water and Landscape Management, V. Novotny and P. Brown, Editors. Publication Date: 01 May 2007 • ISBN: 1843391368, 352 pages. Hardback

Chen, Z., A. Gangopadhyay, G. Karabatis, M. McGuire, and C. Welty. 2007. Semantic Integration and Knowledge Discovery for Environmental Research Special Issue of Journal  of Database Management on Defining, Eliciting and Using Data Semantics for Emerging Domains, 18(1), 43-68, 2007.

Emerson, C. H., C. Welty, and R. G. Traver. 2006. Closure on A Watershed-Scale Evaluation of a System of Stormwater Detention Basins, ASCE J. of Hydrologic Engineering, 11(6), 637.

Emerson, C. H., C.Welty, and R. G. Traver. 2005. A Watershed-Scale Evaluation of a System of Stormwater Detention Basins”, ASCE J. of Hydrologic Engineering, 10(3), 237-242.

Steffy, L.Y., McGinty, A.L., C. Welty, and Kilham, S.S. 2004. Spatial Correlation Between Fish Species Diversity and Spring Water Quality in an Urbanizing Watershed”, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40(5), 1269-1275, 2004.

Ryan, Robert J., A.I. Packman, and C. Welty. 2004. Estimation of Solute Transport and Storage Parameters in a Stream with Anthropogenically Produced Unsteady Flow and Industrial Bromide Input”, Water Resources Research, 40, W01602, doi:10.1029/2003WR002458.

Maxwell, R. M., C. Welty, and A.F.B. 2003. Tompson. Streamline-based simulation of virus transport resulting from long-term artificial recharge in a heterogeneous aquifer,   Advances in Water Resources, 26(10), 1075-1096.

Welty, C., Kane, A.C. III and Kauffman. 2003.  L. J. Stochastic Analysis of Density-        Coupled Transport in Aquifers. Water Resources Research, 39(6), 1150-1167.

National Research Council, Committee on Environmental Remediation At Naval Facilities, Phase 2,  2003. Environmental Cleanup at Naval Facilities: Adaptive Site Management, National Academy Press. (Contributor).

Welty, Claire (Editor). 2002. AWRA 2002 Annual Water Resources Conference   Proceedings, American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, Virginia, TPS-02-4, 328 pp, 2002.

Ren, J., A. I. Packman, and C. Welty. 2001. Analysis of an observed relationship between colloid collision efficiency and mean collector grain size,  Colloid and Surfaces A:   Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 191, 133-144.

Maxwell, R. M. and  C.Welty. 2001. Simulation of the Impact of Geologic Heterogeneity on Colloid Transport in Riverbank Filtration, International Association of the Waterworks of the Rhine Series “Rhein- Themen”, DIN-A5,  241-250, 2001.

Ren, J. A. Packman, and C. Welty. 2000.  Correlation of Colloid Collision Efficiency with Hydraulic Conductivity of Silica Sands. Water Resources Research, 36(9), 2493-2500.

Rehmann, L. L. C., C. Welty, and R. W. Harvey. 2000.  Reply to Comment by T.R. Ginn on Stochastic Analysis of Virus Transport in Aquifers, Water Resources Research, 36(7), 1983-1984.

National Research Council Committee on Subsurface Contamination at DOE Sites: Research Needs and Opportunities. 2000.  Research Needs in Subsurface Science: U.S.  Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Science Plan, National Academy Press.  (contributor).

National Research Council Committee on Environmental Remediation at Naval    Facilities. 1999.  Environmental Cleanup at Naval Facilities: Risk-Based Methods, National Academy Press, 1999, 143 pp. (contributor).

Rehmann, L. C. C., C. Welty, and R. W. Harvey. 1999.  Stochastic Analysis of Virus Transport in Aquifers, Water Resources Research, 35(7), 1987-2006.

Carleton, G., C. Welty, and H. Buxton. 1999.  Design and Analysis of Tracer Tests to Determine Effective Porosity and Dispersivity in a Fractured Sedimentary Rock, Newark Basin, NJ, U.S.G.S.Water Resources Investigations Report 98-4126A , West Trenton, NJ, 80 pp.

Welty, C., G. Carleton, and H. Buxton.  1999. Evidence of Scale-Dependent Dispersivity in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks, Newark  Basin, NJ.  In Boris Faybishenko, ed. Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rocks: Concepts and Recent  Advances, LBNL-42718, Berkeley, CA, 320 – 323.

Welty, C., and M.M. Elsner, M., 1997. Construction of Random Fields in the Laboratory for  Observations of Fluid Flow and Mass Transport, J. Hydrology, 202(1/4), 192-211.

Welty, C. and L.W. Gelhar.  1994. Evaluation of Longitudinal Dispersivity from Nonuniform Flow Tracer Tests.  Journal of Hydrology,  153 (1/4), 71-102.

Welty, C., C. J. Joss, and A. L. Baehr,  1994. Optimizing the Design of Vapor-Extraction Remediation Systems for the Removal of Organic Contaminants from the Unsaturated Zone. U.S.G.S. Toxic Substances Hydrology Technical Meeting, Colorado Springs, September 24 – 27, 1993, Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4015, Reston, VA.

Gelhar, L. W., C. Welty, and K. R. Rehfeldt.  1993. Reply to Comment by Shlomo P.  Neuman on A Critical Review of Data on Field-Scale Dispersion in Aquifers.  Water  Resources Research, 29(6), 1867-1869.

Gelhar, L.W., C. Welty, and K. R. Rehfeldt.  1992. A Critical Review of Data on  Field-Scale Dispersion in Aquifers, Water Resources Research, 28(7), 1955-1974.

Welty, C. and L. W. Gelhar.  1992. Simulation of Large-Scale Transport of Variable-Density and Viscosity Fluids Using a Stochastic Mean Model. Water Resources Research, 28(3), 815-828.

Welty, C. and L. W. Gelhar.  1991. Stochastic Analysis of the Effects of Fluid Density and  Viscosity Variability on Macrodispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media.  Water Resources Research, 27(8), 2061-2076.

Welty, C., A. L. Baehr, C. Joss, and J. Dillow.  1991. Use of Mathematical Programming  Coupled with a Vapor Transport Model to Optimize the Design of Vapor Extraction Systems.  Proceedings, U.S.G.S. Toxic Substances Hydrology Technical Meeting, San Francisco, March 11 – 15, 1991, Water Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, pp. 276-279, Reston, VA, 1991.

Welty, C.,  L.W. Gelhar, and M. A. Celia.  1989. Stochastic Analysis of the Effects of Density and Viscosity Variability on Macrodispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media. Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory Technical Report 321, R89-06, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, March 1989.

Welty, C. and L.W. Gelhar.  1989. Evaluation of Longitudinal Dispersivity from  Tracer Test Data.  Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory Technical Report 320, R89-05,  M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, March 1989.

Gelhar, L.W., A. Montoglou, C. Welty, and K.R. Rehfeldt.  1985. A Review of Field-Scale Physical Solute Transport Processes in Saturated and Unsaturated Porous Media. Technical Report EPRI EA-4190, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, August, 1985.

Viessman, W. Jr., and C. Welty. 1985. Water Management: Technology and Institutions. Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., New York, 1985.

U.S. EPA. 1982.  Chapters 1 and 2, and Ed. of EPA Draft Manual for Infectious Waste Management, SW-957, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., September, 1982.